graphic with title of course - Creativity Based Learning Full Course from Curiosita

Creativity-Based Learning: Introduction & Person

Time limit: 365 days
45 credits

$100 Enroll

Full course description

CBL Course one is a nine-module online course that will show you how to foster the traits and behaviors of highly creative people in all your students. You’ll gain insights into cultivating a learning environment enhanced by curiosity, play, and creativity. All this plus classroom-tested, evidence-based mindsets, toolsets, and skillsets to use in the classroom today.
The result? Upon completing this course you’ll come away with a deep commitment to support the development of students’ creativity and a strong rationale for repositioning creativity as an essential learning goal. You’ll create a new learning culture where students go from bored to absorbed and cautious to creative.


  • Why it’s essential at this time in history to teach with and for creativity.
  • How to articulate why you’re teaching the way you are to any parent, student, or colleague.
  • Why and how to use curiosity and play to foster creativity in the classroom. 
  • Strategies to recognize and nurture behaviors of highly creative people in all students — and yourself.
  • How to practice using the 4 Instructional Elements of Creativity in lesson plan design.
  • How targeting the 7 Instructional goals of the Creativity Fan Framework make creativity tangible and teachable. 
  • Evidence-based and classroom-tested  toolsets and skillsets you can apply to your existing curriculum — today.
  • All courses include Professional Learning Community teamwork suggestions!
  • Instructors: Rick and Patti Shade
“I’ve always loved seeing my students get excited and engrossed in creative work. Now I know how important it is for their futures. This course gave me the tools and ‘permission’ to teach in the ways I always thought were the most important”
Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented, Denver, CO