RISE Training for Administrators

RISE Evaluation Training for Administrators 22-23

Time limit: 30 days
6 credits

$5 Enroll

Full course description

This course is organized in self-paced modules that you will complete at your own pace during this calendar month. You should expect to spend a total of 6 hours working through the course content. Once you have completed all course modules you will receive your certificate of completion.

Course Learning Intentions

In this course we are learning to:

      • Understand the language and intent of the teacher evaluation law as well as the RISE Teacher Effectiveness Rubric.
      • Investigate the elements of Domain 1 and Domain 3 in the RISE Teacher Effectiveness Rubric.
      • Understand and translate Domain 2 in the Teacher Effectiveness Rubric to classroom instructional practice through the use of videos, scripting and mapping activities.
      • Explore what instruction should look like, sound like and feel like from a students’ perspective according to the RISE Teacher Effectiveness Rubric.
      • Conceptualize the difference between the ratings of effective and highly effective on the Domain 2 competencies.