
Expand the Simulation: Effectively Using PhET in Your Lesson

Time limit: 90 days
8 credits

$5 Enroll

Full course description

This course is designed so that concepts learned, and resources introduced, can be applied the next day in any school setting. This course is self-paced so participants can set their own schedule!

It is designed to fit the needs of busy educators; one can stop and start this course anytime during the 90 day enrollment period. You should expect to spend a total of 8 hours working through the course content and earn 8 PGP’s.

Once you have completed all course modules you will receive your certificate of completion. This PD was developed at the Region 8 ESC through funding from the Schwab Foundation in Fort Wayne Indiana.

Learning Intentions for this course are:

  • Learn how online simulations stimulate students’ curiosity and provide opportunities for students to see concepts in action in a learner focused, interactive environment. 
  • Facilitate student collaboration and inquiry learning while providing real world connections.
  • Explore simulations that are available for every age and every subject matter with topics ranging from understanding how elections work to science labs to empathy.
  • Discover ways simulations can be integrated into a lesson plan. 
  • Learn why it is important to use simulations with intention, and how to do so with purpose.
  • Journey through simulations developed at the University of Colorado Boulder, PhET. These  simulations are among the best known, most inclusive, and free simulations available.
  • Explore the PhET website that provides teacher resources and guidance. (Although the course focuses on PhET simulations, the same principles can be applied to any simulation used in any course. )
  • Incorporate a simulation into a lesson outline for students.